Zucchini Spaghetti with Peperonata


Prep 5 mins Cook 20 mins Makes Serves 2 Source



Heat a frypan over low heat. Add 1 tsp of oil, add capsicum, garlic and oregano and cook for about 10 minutes.

Add tomatoes and vinegar and cook for another 10 minutes then, using a stick blender, blitz to a chunky sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

Trim ends off zucchini and, with a mandolin or spaghetti strip peeler, peel into long spaghetti-like strands.

Note: if you don't have either, use a vegetable peeler to make ribbons, then use a knife to cut strands.

Heat a frypan over high heat. Add remaining oil and saute zucchini for a few minutes to warm through.

Add sauce and pinenuts, heat through and scatter over parsley and parmesan to serve.


Calories: 423cals

Total Carbohydrates: 14.4g

Total Fat: 31.7g

Dietary fiber: 8.2g

Protein: 15.9g

Saturated fat: 7.6g

Sugar: 13.9g